특정 사용자 share_data 생성 오류

작성자 이경미 수정일 2022-12-30 16:55

#SparklingSoDA 3

아티클 관련 제품: SparklingSoDA 3

오류 메세지 혹은 현상
  • Project에 속한 여러 유저 중에 특정 유저만 분석엔진 실행 시 자기 자신의 디렉토리 및 share_data가 생성되지 않는 현상

  • 정상적인 계정 share_data 영역 연결됨

    ll /home/spsd/
    total 24
    drwx------ 6 spsd staff  157 Sep 30 13:56 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root     59 Aug 12 16:17 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 spsd staff   18 Oct 31  2018 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r-- 1 spsd staff  231 Oct 31  2018 .bashrc
    drwxr-xr-x 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .cache/
    drwxr-xr-x 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .config/
    drw------- 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .git-credentials
    drw--rw-r-- 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .gitconfig
    drwxr-xr-x 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .ipython/
    drwxr-xr-x 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .jupyter/
    drwx------ 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 .local/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 spsd staff  231 Oct 31  2018 .profile
    drwxrwxrwx 5 spsd staff  208 Jul 25 09:35 share_date -> /home/spsd/share_data

  • 문제계정 share_data영역 연결 안됨

    ll /home/user6/
    total 24
    drwx------ 6 user6 staff  157 Sep 30 13:56 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root     59 Aug 12 16:17 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user6 user6   18 Oct 31  2018 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user6 user6  231 Oct 31  2018 .bashrc
    drwxr-xr-x 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .cache/
    drwxr-xr-x 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .config/
    drw------- 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .git-credentials
    drw--rw-r-- 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .gitconfig
    drwxr-xr-x 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .ipython/
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  208 Jul 25 09:35 .jupyter/
    drwx------ 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 .local/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user6 user6  231 Oct 31  2018 .profile
    drwxrwxrwx 5 user6 user6  208 Jul 25 09:35 share_date


  • 새로운 유저를 생성해서 문제의 프로젝트에 추가하여 생성하였을 때 log
    -------------- GIT Configuration --------------
    >>>> current user: user1
    project directory[A984104374] exist...
    Enabling tree extension jupyter_tensorboard/tree...
          - Validating: [32mOK [0m
    Enabling: jupyter_tensorboard
    - Writing config: /home/spsoda/.jupyter
        - Validating...
          jupyter_tensorboard 0.1.9 [32mOK [0m
    >>>> current user: user2
    project directory[A984104374] exist...
    Enabling tree extension jupyter_tensorboard/tree...
          - Validating: [32mOK [0m
    Enabling: jupyter_tensorboard
    - Writing config: /home/spsoda/.jupyter
        - Validating...
          jupyter_tensorboard 0.1.9 [32mOK [0m
    >>>> current user: user5
    project directory[A984104374] exist...
    Enabling tree extension jupyter_tensorboard/tree...
          - Validating: [32mOK [0m
    Enabling: jupyter_tensorboard
    - Writing config: /home/spsoda/.jupyter
        - Validating...
          jupyter_tensorboard 0.1.9 [32mOK [0m
    >>>> current user: user6
    project directory[A984104374] exist...
    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/user6/share_data/share_data': File exists
    spsoda> /usr/local/bin/run_jupyter_config.sh
    /home/spsoda/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py:##Custom Configuring
    Custom Configuring Exist!!
    spsoda> Executing the command: jupyterhub --config /srv/jupyterhub_config.py for single container.
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.305 JupyterHub app:2240] Running JupyterHub version 1.1.0
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.306 JupyterHub app:2271] Using Authenticator: dummyauthenticator.dummyauthenticator.DummyAuthenticator
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.306 JupyterHub app:2271] Using Spawner: jupyterhub.spawner.LocalProcessSpawner-1.1.0
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.306 JupyterHub app:2271] Using Proxy: jupyterhub.proxy.ConfigurableHTTPProxy-1.1.0
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.312 JupyterHub app:1394] Writing cookie_secret to /workspace/jupyterhub_cookie_secret
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.325 alembic.runtime.migration migration:154] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.326 alembic.runtime.migration migration:161] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.334 alembic.runtime.migration migration:513] Running stamp_revision  -> 4dc2d5a8c53c
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.616 JupyterHub app:2311] Initialized 0 spawners in 0.160 seconds
    [I 2022-05-26 13:38:04.618 JupyterHub app:2520] Not starting proxy
    해당 log 확인 시 특이사항 
    >>>> current user: user6
    project directory[A984104374] exist...
    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/user6/share_data/share_data': File exists
    확인 시 해당 user6 에 share_data 가 생성되어 있으나 링크가 걸려있지 않아 발생한 에러로 확인
  • 즉, 사용자가 직접 user6 에 share_date 를 생성하여 문제가 발생한 것으로 확인됩니다. 

문제 해결
  • share_date 를 삭제한 뒤 프로젝트를 생성하였을 때, 정상적으로 작동하는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 

1. 링크가 걸리지 않은 share_data 삭제

rm -r /home/user6/share_date

2. 프로젝트 재생성

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